Yes! Article done. Joking aside, men wear jewelry for at least the same time as women, if not before. This is not a competition whatsoever.
We are just trying to bring forth the fact that jewels have always been part of the way we carry ourselves, and they still are. In general, we call them accessories nowadays, and we try to add them in order to make our outfit spark more.
Jewels can also have a lot of meaning behind them. They can be spiritual or personal. For example, you could wear a religious symbol for various reasons. It could be that you are a proud member of certain religions or other motives. They also can be gifts or important totems from beloved persons in your life.
Another clear thing about the accessories of this kind is that they are beautiful. They shine and make you shine with them. There is no other way to put it. If you have the confidence to wear them right, they will truly help your style.

How to Wear Them
If you have trouble stylizing them, just keep it simple. You cannot go wrong with the classics. For example, a strapped silver watch: This is especially true if you regularly wear a watch and can afford it, of course.
Although, these days, there are extremely cheap alternatives to any available model. Further, we can recommend a plain necklace or a ring. Think about one or a maximum of 2 pieces.
Do not go overboard. There are some rare instances where you could wear, say, a watch and a bracelet on the same hand, but the outfit must definitely be in pace with it.
Always remember to match the metals. You do not want to combine too many nuances. Gold, silver, bronze, and so on all have different color tones and work accordingly to your outfit. Here are some important characteristics of each one:
Is considered to be a warmer tone. Most of the time, it looks like a yellow hue, but it can also come in a silver-ish color. The classic yellow goes well with browns and other earth tones. It also strikes a great contrast with deep hues of royal blue and hunter green.

Silver metals
Silver metals look like polished stainless steel. They are chrome or neutral. Most of the time, they can be well considered in the gray category. They do not work to well with bright colors and fall on the black to white gradient category. So, if you have to, pair them with dark or white colors. They will give you a timeless look.
Copper and bronze
Those are orange-hued. They should be treated correspondingly. Most of the time, they seem to be more courageous than the gold counterpart. They fit great into casual outfits.
Precious stones
Stones are required to be kept to a minimum. They have incredibly bright colors, and even if they do not, they shine incredibly bright. You need to understand that, however, masculine and confident you might be, they are still on the feminine side. That is why you should wear one colored stone at most. Anything that goes beyond that can be considered tacky or that you want to flaunt your wealth.
Auxiliary touches such as a tint of turquoise on a ring or a bracelet are welcome. Leather accessories are also great lookers, but you have to take into account lots of details about them. For example, the color, the texture, the stitching, etc.

Types of Jewelry for Men
Now that we have covered the basics of styling, there are lots of types of jewels that can be worn. Each one of them is suited for a place and a time and has a unique touch.
This is an accessory that is also very useful. These are amazing. They look great. They tell you what time it is. And, last but not least, they let you know that the world never stops for a moment. We know that this might sound a bit philosophical, but it is true. Lots of men wear watches for this sole purpose. They make them understand that the most valuable asset in life is time. These accessories are acceptable to wear under any circumstances. They vary from totally formal to 100% sport.
They are an accessory as old as our history. They come in all sorts of forms: class rings, wedding rings, fraternal rings, fashion rings, statement rings, and so on. Basically, a whole range of expressivity can come from these circular pieces. They say that a man can wear as many rings as he can pull off, but in all honesty, we think that sometimes less is more. Yes, we know that Johnny Depp likes to put one on almost every finger, but he is somewhat of a character. In the end, nothing stops you from wearing as many as you would like. If you start looking like a mean Persian prince, do not blame it on us.
Belt buckles
An absolute American classic. Now, these have been embraced worldwide, but they never shined brighter than in the American West. They have been around since the 1920s, and some of them look like art pieces. Some of them are big enough to fit the entire scenes. So, if you want to express yourself in that way, now you have the chance.

They are both decorative and functional at the same time. They can even be used to be medical alert nowadays since technology has greatly advanced. Some of the bracelets available today can also be used to spread awareness. They are created with special campaigns in mind. For example, Save the Oceans campaign. Every dollar received for the bracelets is donated towards this objective. The creators are also hoping to be a conversation striker and bring even more awareness.
Two words: plain and simple. They are mostly decorative, but can also serve a religious purpose. There are lots of people who wear Christian crosses, for example. They are very easy to wear and even easier to hide under your clothes if you feel like it. Considering this, it is a great way of keeping a part of a beloved one close to you if it came as a gift from them. As a styling recommendation, you should not wear more than two at the same time.
As with most other jewelry, sparked conversations in regards to whether men should or should not wear them. Well, let us tell you that men have been wearing earrings since before recorded history. Understand? They are accessories just like any other. At first, they had greater meaning in the social hierarchy and now are used just for looks. Be sure to not over make it with huge stones or other crazy shapes.
Now, you will have a lot of info under your belt regarding styling in general, but let’s make it clear once again, jewelry is great for men!
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