Is it okay to make a move now? Maybe you should ask her out? Is a second date fine?
We know how hard it is to guess the sign a girl likes you and finally make a move.
Across all animal species, the males tend to be the ones who initiate the process. We are expected to always make the first move and coordinate the relationship further until a clear point.
Interestingly enough, women take part in this process as well by giving subtle hints and cues that contact is welcome. Put shortly; they decide if contact can be initiated by a man.|
This is just how the world goes. There is no need to take it personally. A better understanding of the dynamic will definitely put you in front more often than before.
Even so, if you get the hang of it, you might still be missing hints here and there so you won’t know when to act.
We are here to make things clearer in regard to whether a girl likes you or not. There are lots of guys who make a move at the wrong time. Although at times the girl could possibly still be really interested, she feels like the timing is important, so that is why she might refuse you. Rejection is part of the process, so never feel down for it.
Here are some important signs that a girl likes you. Whenever you see one or more of these combined, you can be quite sure that she would like you to initiate contact.

1.She Acts Nervous
And she might really be (in a good way). This only happens when it matters, when she thinks about what you will think about certain things.
Things such as the way she looks, the way she speaks, and overall, if she is satisfactory enough for you. Women are never nervous nears men they are not interested in. Why would they be?
If she seems to be quite a little shy when she talks to you, but not in general, it might be a good sign for you. Try and comfort her with however seems fit.
Maybe crack a few jokes to make her feel comfortable. Laughter is always great when it comes to relationships, or especially if you want to get into one.

2.The body language is definitely a sign that a girl likes you
If she is into you, you will just know it by the way she positions herself next to you. She will be turning more towards you, and she will even try to get close. Even if she is expecting you to make the first move, she will still let you know that you are welcome.
You will probably also get lots of eye contact and plenty of smiles from her. Girls that are not having a good time will always check their phone, and you will just sense them wanting to get away.
The girl that likes you might even blush and have dilated pupils. This is a concrete sign that she likes you.

3.She Makes Connections and Listens
By this, we mean that she is actively speaking to you and engaging. She is also actively listening to you because she really wants to learn more about you and what you do.
Communicational wise, there is nothing more flattering than this. If she likes your outside and inside both, you can consider yourself a lucky man. When a girl is not really interested in a guy, she will not really be asking any deep questions or further expand on the subject brought on by you.
When she communicates openly, she even gives you the real chance of seeing if you like her. This is an important aspect, as well. Some girls might not be as interesting as you might think, but you will not get to know this aspect until she lets her guard down. Whatever the case might be, treat her with respect.

4.Connect the Dots
In large, these are all of the most important aspects when analyzing the situation between you and a girl. You should really not go further than this. It is not that complicated. If you feel like she did all of the above, then you can be pretty sure she likes you.
Remember to not overthink it, though. That might ruin the moment for you. Let it go and remember that whatever happens, you will be no worse after it as opposed to before. If anything, you will be more experienced!
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