It can be hard being a teen in today’s world. With all the social media and pressure from different places, being a teen nowadays seems to be more difficult than it was back in our parent’s days.
This article is targeting teens and young men, but really, it can apply to anyone who wants to improve themselves to become more mature and, therefore, be taken seriously in any situation.
So let’s get straight to the 10 things that you can do as a teen or young man, to be taken more seriously and therefore, look more mature.
Tip no.1 – Personal presentation
Even if we sometimes wish it wasn’t, looks are important. To develop a grooming regimen.
You need to be more organized starting now. As a young guy, you tend to let the little things slide, right? Well, your grooming regimen needs to start now at an early age.
Brush your teeth, comb your hair, wash your face, use deodorant. Things like this have to start now. If you wanna be taken seriously, as a young man, and have your views, your opinions, and you’re being validated, you need to start with grooming.
It’s not so difficult. You just need to smell good and look fresh. ☺
Tip no.2 – Personal clothing style

Or, in other words, dress with purpose. What we mean by this is to plan your outfit.
Make sure that your clothes are wrinkle-free and clean because these things are something that you absolutely can control. As a teen, you cannot control how much money you spend on clothes, yet. But you can be creative, and you can get some great affordable and cheap items.
The purpose is to look clean and nice, the clothes should be fitted for you. Dressing well and putting a polished presentation together is vital for you to be taken seriously.
Tip no.3 – Teen body language
That starts with: stand up straight. It’s all about posture. Good posture starts now.
There’s no excuse for slouching, you gotta stand up straight, carry yourself with good posture. Dignity, guys, start with your perfect posture.
Tip no.4 – Eye contact

Yeah, it’s important, alright? Because when you meet somebody, whether or not it’s somebody your own age, it is important to make good eye contact.
It’s this eye contact that’s going to show that you are a man who knows who he is. It’s all about confidence. If you have your look in the ground or all over the place, that makes you look insecure and unsure of yourself. Also, not that trustworthy.
Eye contact – it’s easy to do and a great trick to be taken more seriously.
Tip no.5 – Good handshake

Gentlemen, a solid well-developed handshake is critical to your success.
Not just now, but in the future as well. But now, as a teen, it is a great time to start practicing this and develop your own personal characteristic, powerful handshake.
Tip no.6 – Develop your speaking skills.

Now it’s time to talk about communication because this is a key component to you being taken more seriously and succeeding.
What this means is actually a simple trick like removing filler words like “Uhm” or “like.” You need to be more concise when you speak. This takes practice, but what better time than now, as a teen?
When you’re unsure, it’s going to show in the way you speak. But if you can learn to speak polished and concisely, this will benefit you not only now, but throughout your whole life. Because people like and listen more to people that can express themselves well.
Tip no.7 – Practice being a good listener
On the flipside with tip no.6, being an active listener is also very important.
You need to be perceived as somebody who actually listens to what other people are saying. Try not to be preoccupied with other outside factors, don’t play with your phone, don’t be looking around. Be engaged!
If you wanna be taken more seriously in your teenage years, start practicing active listening right now. The more you practice this, the more mature you’ll look.
Tip no.8 – Practice small talk
Learn and develop your small talk skills now. Small talk is one of those skills that is going to impact every aspect of your life as well.
Because of any situation, you find yourself in, if you’re good at small talk, you’re going to be able to meet people, interact with people, and have much more fulfilling interactions as a whole.
That will make you a more interesting person overall.
Tip no.9 – Be a man of your word
So if you say you’re going to do something, do it. If you’re reliable if you’re trustworthy and basically, if you are somebody that sticks to his word, it is such a powerful thing.
Because there’s so many people out there, no matter the age, that say one thing and do another. So it’s no wonder this particular trait of character is very desired.
If you establish your character and the fact that you are indeed a man of your word NOW, it’s gonna pay off in the long run. Not only you’ll look more mature in the eyes of others, but also you’ll be more respected.
Tip no.10 – Be kind
… to others. It doesn’t matter if they’re not cool, it doesn’t matter if they’re not popular or don’t have the same social status as you. Don’t be a bully! What better time to learn this, than in your teen years, when bullying is a recurring issue.
Just start being kind, with everybody.
BONUS Tip – Be your own man

One last piece of advice, if you wanna look older and be taken more seriously, in your teenage years.
Don’t give in to peer pressure! Stand for something. Be your own man. Think for yourself, alright?
Just because everybody else is doing something doesn’t mean that it’s the right thing to do. If it doesn’t feel right, if you know deep inside your heart and in your head that something is off, just stop. Take a deep breath and walk away from doing something you’ll probably regret later. Be a man of character!
Lern here how to build your confidence.
So there you have it, hope it helps ☺ If you implement these 10 tips, you are well on your way to not only be taken more seriously but also looking more mature in your teen years.
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